About Us
In our clinic, we provide the benefit to individuals by having a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care in addition to becoming an integral part of a local health care team. At our core is a strong foundation of physiotherapy with the vision of complimenting it with valuable secondary services such as occupational therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, athletic therapy, and semi-private training. We have built an excellent reputation with physicians, surgeons, insurance providers and we want to bring our expertise to Selkirk and the surrounding communities.
Our Mission
Aquatic Therapy
Athletic Therapy
Bracing and Splinting
Certified Hand Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy
Custom Foot Orthotics
Functional Capacity Evaluations
Hip and Knee Replacement Rehab
Intramuscular Needling (GTT)
Kinesio Taping
Low Intensity Laser Therapy
Massage Therapy
Neural Manipulation
Occupational Therapy
Pelvic Floor
Semi Private Training
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Visceral Manipulation
Work and Functional Conditioning