The acupuncture is performed by our physiotherapists who have taken post-graduate training in acupuncture which has been approved by our provincial regulatory body. Our athletic therapist is also trained and certified to practice acupuncture. Overall, acupuncture is a very safe procedure and can be extremely effective even when traditional medical intervention has failed.
Although the use of acupuncture can be used for a number of medical problems, physiotherapists only use acupuncture for the reduction of pain and stimulation of healing.
Common conditions treated with acupuncture include:
- Chronic Pain
- Myofascial Pain
- Sprains and Strains
- Osteoarthritis
- Headaches
- TMJ Syndrome/Dysfunction
- Repetitive Strain Injuries i.e tendonitis
- Low Back and Neck Pain
- Neuralgias and Palsy
Please consult your therapist if you question whether acupuncture may be of benefit to you.
A typical acupuncture session will be the insertion of the needles with the patient in a comfortable position. The needles are usually left in place for 15 – 20 minutes. Typically there is little discomfort although a mild ache around the site of needle insertion may occur and can be beneficial and is known as the ” chi “. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine and made from stainless steel. The needles are sterile and disposable to reduce the risk of infection. Although it is not effective with everyone, it has been found to be effective in approximately 80% of patients. Pain relief may be immediate, occur in a few hours or even the next day. Sometimes repetitive sessions are required for a cumulative effect. Typically within 3 sessions it can be determined if the treatment will be effective. Many report feeling very relaxed following acupuncture and this is due to elevated endorphin levels. If possible, the patient is asked to rest for following treatment and avoid strenuous activity. For optimal results patients are asked to avoid substances which can stimulate or depress the nervous system i.e. sedatives, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, etc.. Patients are advised to take their pain medication as normal.
What does it cost?
Acupuncture is usually performed as a regular physiotherapy visit. In addition to the regular treatment fee an extra tray fee is charged to cover the costs of acupuncture. WCB and MPI cover some acupuncture treatments.
Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic Therapy is a form of rehabilitation in which a patient is in water performing therapeutic exercise or treatment. It is similar to land-based therapy in the sense that there are clear goals and objectives, a rehabilitation plan and measurable outcomes. Patients work in a vertical position, rarely putting their face or head in the water. Patients don’t have to know how to swim to participate and benefit from the program.
Aquatic therapy can be very beneficial as the buoyancy decreases the amount of stress on joints and protects inflamed joints from compressional forces. Unloading weight bearing joints allows clients with chronic conditions to do exercises in the water that they are unable to do on land. The strength gained by exercising in the water transitions to land based strengthening. Patients with arthritis, healing fractures, osteoporosis or are overweight, benefit from the buoyancy of water. Post-operative patients can also begin rehabilitation sooner and do conditioning in water before they are ready for land-based therapy.
The hydrostatic pressure of the water decreases inflammation and edema, enhances peripheral circulation & lymphatic return indirectly through soft tissue compression. Patients with chronic inflammatory conditions (i.e. arthritis) and acute inflammation (i.e. sprains) benefit from the hydrostatic pressure of water. The drag force increases resistance to improve strength while viscosity improves proprioceptive feedback and body awareness and can reduce pain sensitivity.
We are so excited to be able to offer such a unique service in-house in our new clinic. All programs are designed and overseen by our Certified Aquatic Therapist.
Athletic Therapy
Athletic Therapy is a health care profession which specializes in the management of orthopedic/musculoskeletal injuries including the prevention, immediate care and rehabilitation. Athletic Therapists adopt an active approach to injury recovery for everyone from the active individual and worker to the high performance athlete.
A Certified Athletic Therapist, CAT(c), has fulfilled the the academic and practical requirements outlined by the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association. The Athletic Therapist assesses injuries and conditions, utilizes contemporary rehabilitative techniques, therapeutic modalities, soft tissue mobilization, physical reconditioning, and supportive strapping procedures to promote an environment conducive to optimal healing in preparing the individual for safe reintegration into an active lifestyle. The Athletic Therapist works in collaboration with other allied health professionals and promote a healthy lifestyle which encourages complete recovery and long-term prevention of injuries.
Athletic Therapy services in Manitoba are covered by Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI), Workers Compensation Board (WCB), and many private insurances. In many instances your insurance benefits may have separate coverages for Athletic Therapy which improves your rehabilitation options.
Bracing and Splinting
Physiotherapists and Athletic Therapists are very knowledgable when it comes to prescribing and choosing braces, splints and mobility aids. Our clinic has an inventory of some of the more commonly used items.
We are committed to helping you determine your needs, and finding an appropriate supplier to address them. We utilize both Diamond Athletic and Medical Supplies and Innovative Medical Supplies and can help facilitate a wide array of needs. We can usually guarantee delivery of the item within 1-2 business days.
We are very excited to announce that via a relationship with Diamond Athletic and Medical Supplies we offer direct billing to Manitoba Health on various braces and splints. Certain devices are covered by Manitoba Health with the appropriate prescription from a physician. At present we have in our inventory:
- Ossur Knee Unloader Braces
- Immobilizer Walking Boots
- Hinged Knee and Patellofemoral Stabilzing Braces
- Ankle Braces
- Back Supports
- Wrist and Thumb Spica Braces
Steelcity Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre also carries other devices that are not covered by Manitoba Health but usually can be conveniently billed to WCB, MPI and other private insurances (i.e. blue cross)
- Slings
- Finger Splints
- Tennis Elbow Supports
For the convenience of our clients we also have various items such as crutches, canes, hot and cold packs amongst other items. Please do not hesitate to contact the clinic if you have any inquiries.
Certified Hand Therapy
A Certified Hand therapist assesses and treats the upper extremity (hand to shoulder). To become a Certified Hand Therapist a physiotherapist first has to complete 4000 hours of assessment and treatment of the upper extremity and then has to pass an extremely extensive exam administered by the Hand Therapy Certification Commission (HTCC).
Who should seek assessment/treatment from a Certified Hand Therapist?
Anyone dealing with pain/issues, injury or post-surgery involving the upper extremity (hand to shoulder) would likely benefit from seeing a Certified Hand Therapist.
What conditions would benefit from assessment/treatment from a Certified Hand Therapist?
• Arthritis (shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand). Patient’s suffering from arthritis of the wrist, fingers and/or thumbs often benefit from an orthosis (splint) to help manage symptoms
• Trigger finger
• Any condition of the upper extremity requiring an orthosis (splint). Note: a Certified Hand Therapist can fabricate a custom orthosis (splint) that is completely unique to you.
• Peripheral nerve issues including (but not limited to) – thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubical tunnel syndrome
• Fracture and sprains of the upper extremity
• Tendinitis or muscle strains of the upper extremity
• Post-surgical procedures of the upper extremity including (but not limited to) – tendon repair or transfer, fracture, dupuytrens release, cubital or carpal tunnel release, joint replacement
Does my insurance provider cover services provided by a Certified Hand Therapist?
Physiotherapy services provided by a Certified Hand Therapist are covered under your regular third party insurance provider plan for Physiotherapy.
Do I need a doctor’s referral to see a Certified Hand Therapist?
No, you do not need a Physician’s referral to see a Certified Hand Therapist. However, some insurance providers do require a physician’s referral to approve the cost of treatment/physiotherapy insurance claim. We suggest you call your insurance provider to find out this information as all insurance plans as well as providers vary.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands on approach that releases tension deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and to improve whole body health and performance. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopath Physician, John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics.
Using a soft touch which is generally no greater than 5 grams (about the weight of a nickel) practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. CST is increasingly used as a preventative health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and its effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.
Few structures have as much influence over the body’s ability to function properly as the brain and spinal cord that make up the central nervous system. The central nervous system is heavily influenced by the Cranio-Sacral system: the membranes and fluid that surround, protect and nourish the brain and spinal cord. Every day your body endures stresses and strains that it must work to compensate for. Unfortunately these changes often cause tissues to tighten and distort the Cranio-Sacral system. These distortions can then cause tensin to form around the brain and spinal cord resulting in restrictions. This can create a barrier to the healthy performance of the central nervous system, and potentially every other system it interacts with.
Craniosacral Therapy – Steelcity Physiotherapy Wellness Centre
Fortunately such restrictions can be detected and corrected using simple methods of touch. With light touch, the CST practitioner uses his or her hands to evaluate the craniosacral system by gently feeling various locations of the body to test the ease of motions and rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid pulsing around the brain and spinal cord. Soft touch techniques are then used to release restrictions in any tissues influencing the Cranio-Sacral system.
By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord enhancing the body’s ability to self-correct, CST is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment.
Conditions the Cranio-Sacral Therapy can address:
- Concussion and Traumatic Brain injury
- Migraines and headaches
- Chronic neck and back
- Stress and tension related disorders
- Motor-Coordination impairments
- Brain and spinal cord injuries
- Chronic fatigue
- TMJ symptoms
- Fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders
- Scoliosis
- Centreal nervous system disorders
- Orthopedic problems
- Post surgical dysfunction
Custom Foot Orthotics
Custom Foot Orthotics are custom fabricated shoe inserts designed to aid in restoration of normal foot posture and lower extremity biomechanics.
Our supplier is Paris Orthotics located in Vancouver, B.C. to fabricate the orthotics. The orthotics are fabricated according to casts made by your physiotherapist which gives the orthotist an impression of your foot shape and biomechanics.
There is a large assortment of orthotics which can be ordered and is determined by the primary use of the orthotic from general day to day use, sport, dress or to specifically deal with certain conditions of the foot. Also available are custom sandal orthotics.
Orthotics are commonly covered by many private insurances. Please consult your insurance guide to see if you have coverage. This is not a service we direct bill for but we are happy to guide you through the process.
The process normally takes 3-4 weeks.
Please contact our clinic or your therapist for further information.
Functional Capacity Evaluations
A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), also commonly referred to as a Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE), is a measure of a client’s functional ability to perform personal and/or occupational tasks. This comprehensive evaluation provides objective data regarding an individual’s physical abilities and limitations and determines ability to perform work and/or Activities of Daily Living (ADL). It consists of a Range of Motion evaluation in conjunction with valid and reliable test measures designed to assess various functional abilities such as:
- bending
- lifting
- reaching
- crouching
- gross and fine dexterity
- walking
- pushing/pulling
- grip and pinch grip strength
The results of the FCE can be used to direct rehabilitation and/or aid in part of a disability determination.
Steelcity Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre offers FCE’s conducted by our trained and certified Functional Capacity Evaluators.
Hip and Knee Replacement Rehab
Hip and knee replacement surgery, known as arthroplasty, has become a common surgical procedure used to manage the significant degeneration of hip and knee joints. The surgical techniques used have greatly improved over the years and are generally very successful in reducing pain and restoring a better level of function. The surgical procedure is only part of the process. A comprehensive rehabilitation program is associated with better long term outcomes.
Rehabilitation following these procedures can include education, massage, joint mobilization, modalities (to reduce pain and swelling) and a progressive exercise program.
At Steelcity we also have the benefit of having an in-house Aquatic Therapy pool. With the use of our therapy pool – which is kept at 94 degrees – the client is provided with an earlier start to exercise and weight bearing activities which can contribute to a safer and quicker recovery.
We, additionally, have a large gym space with a wide variety of equipment to help with strength and conditioning. As well, we can recommend functional exercises to help you return to normal daily activities.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding rehabilitation following hip or knee joint replacement surgery.
Intramuscular Needling (GTT)
What is GTT?
GTT is an intramuscular needling technique that was pioneered by Dr Cynthia Gokavi. Dr Gokavi is an MD who is also trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine. GTT has proven particularly effective in treating chronic pain as well as many other types of pain such as: sciatic pain, tennis elbow, back pain, whiplash, plantar fasciitis and sports injuries.
This technique involves the use of extremely fine acupuncture needles (much thinner than the hollow needle used to inject medicine or take blood samples). The insertion of the needle into a normal muscle is painless. If a muscle is shortened the needling can cause a discomfort when the muscle grasps the needle. This is followed by a feeling of relaxation as the muscle releases. Transverse needling (across the muscle) makes the technique safe, reliable and effective.
Chronic Pain
By definition, chronic pain is any painful state lasting 3 or more months. One of the many causes of chronic pain is shortened muscle. A chronically shortened muscle contains tight bands and tender or painful focal areas known as trigger points. Chronic pain can occur in the absence of tissue damage or inflammation (ie – no findings on MRI).
The following are examples of symptom referral:
- The neck muscle can cause pain and numbness in the arm/hand and chest.
- Leg pain can be caused by dysfunction in the hip/buttock
- Pain in the bottom of the foot can be due to trigger points in the calf muscle.
In addition, muscle shortening causes stress on tendons and increased pressure on joint structures.
How Does GTT Work?
Skilled palpation by the practitioner is used to identify painful trigger points and tight bands in muscle. When muscle shortening is relieved and trigger points are inactivated the pain in the muscle, tendon or joint is reduced.
For more information on whether this treatment technique would be appropriate for you, contact Steelcity Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre.
Kinesio Taping
The Kinesio® Taping Method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. Latex-free and wearable for days at a time, Kinesio® Tex Tape is safe for populations ranging from pediatric to geriatric, and successfully treats a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and other medical conditions. The Kinesio® Taping Method is a therapeutic taping technique not only offering your patient the support they are looking for, but also rehabilitating the affected condition as well. By targeting different receptors within the somatosensory system, Kinesio® Tex Tape alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting affect forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space and allowing for a decrease in inflammation of the affected areas.
Based upon years of clinical use, Kinesio® Tex Tape is specifically applied to the patient based upon their needs after evaluation. The findings of the clinical evaluation or assessment dictate the specifics of the Kinesio® Tex Tape application and other possible treatments or modalities. With the utilization of single “I” strips or modifications in the shape of an “X”, “Y” or other specialized shapes as well as the direction and amount of stretch placed on the tape at time of application, Kinesio® Tex Tape can be applied in hundreds of ways and has the ability to re-educate the neuromuscular system, reduce pain and inflammation, enhance performance, prevent injury and promote good circulation and healing, and assist in returning the body to homeostasis.
The Kinesio Benefit
Evaluation and assessment are key in the treatment of any clinical condition. In order to get the desired results from a Kinesio® Tex Tape application as well as any other treatment, a full assessment of your patient is necessary. In some cases, the treatment of a condition may require treatment of other underlying conditions as well. This assessment should include manual muscle testing, range of motion testing, gait assessment, and any other orthopedic special tests that you deem necessary. The information gained from these assessments will allow for the proper treatment protocol to be laid out.
Kinesio® Tex Tape can be a valuable addition to this protocol. It has been proven to have positive physiological effects on the skin, lymphatic and circulatory system, fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. It can be used in conjunction with a multitude of other treatments and modalities within your clinic and is effective during the rehabilitative and chronic phases on an injury as well as being used for preventative measures.
Low Intensity Laser Therapy
Laser is a therapeutic treatment modality used to reduce inflammation and pain and enhance the body’s natural healing processes.
Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
It uses a monochromatic light emission from the laser device (diode). It is extremely safe and effective and can be used to treat a number of musculoskeletal conditions including:
- Sprains and Strains
- Osteoarthritis
- Myofascial Trigger Points
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
- Neuralgias
- Problematic Scarring
- Temperomandibular Syndrome/Dysfunction ( TMJ )
Laser works as the light energy of the laser is converted to biochemical energy and this has the following physiological effects:
- Accelerates cellular reproduction and growth
- Stimulates fibroblast development and therefore faster wound healing.
- Reduces the formation of scar tissue
- Reduces inflammation and swelling
- Stimulated nerve function
- There is no extra fee for Laser treatment
Please consult your physiotherapist if you wonder if Laser can be of benefit to you.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy involves the hands-on manipulation of the body’s soft tissues to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, and stress, and to promote general health and wellness. Since pre-recorded time and throughout recorded history, massage therapy has been used around the world as a part of the healing arts.
Today, massage therapists treat and manage soft tissue injuries as well as address general muscle tension and stress relief in order to maintain and enhance an individual’s health and wellness.
The benefits of massage therapy include:
- Reduced muscle tension and increased flexibility and joint range of motion
- Relief of muscular pain and spasms
- Facilitate recovery of soft tissue injuries
- Decreased pain sensitivity
- Headache relief
- Lower blood pressure and heart rate
- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves circulation and blood flow to bring fresh oxygen to the tissues
- Promotes restful sleep and improves concentration
- Relaxation of both the mind and body
Above all, touch is the primary ingredient in massage therapy. Touch not only conveys a sense of caring, a very important part of the therapeutic relationship, it elicits both psychological and physiological responses. The positive touch of a massage therapist can help to improve one’s self-image, self-worth, and general well-being, as well as decrease blood pressure and heart rate.
Neural Manipulation
French Osteopath, Alain Croibier collaborated with Jean-Pierre Barral to develop Neural Manipulation.
Neural Manipulation examines mechanical relationships between the cranium and spine hard frame to the dura and neural elements. It provides assessment and treatment approaches to address restrictions of the dural and neural components not commonly focussed on with musculo-skeletal symptoms. A nerve functions correctly when it is able to move freely within its surrounding structures.
This freedom of movement is essential for nerve conduction, electromagnetic conductivity, blood supply within the nerve and for the responsiveness of the nerve. When a nerve is fixed, it typically loses its ability to glide and/or stretch in length. The pressure around and within the nerve increases and at the same time there are changes in consistency of the nerve. With fixation smaller nerve sections can harden. They feel like “buds” and are very sensitive or painful to touch.
Nerve buds can be released very quickly, sometimes within one therapy session. Generally, one thinks of trauma as a severe injury that causes damage. For example, not every joint trauma leads to fracture or dislocation, which is verifiable by x-ray. From a medical standpoint, patients are often considered to be perfectly healthy, even though they are not at all the same as they were before sustaining a trauma.
The same is generally true for the neural manipulation and the nerves. Traumatic nerve lesions typically do not result in a recognizable, well defined, clinical picture. Instead a broad spectrum of disturbances can be found. Because of their inconsistency and lack of evidence (with conventional examination methods and imaging procedures) symptoms are often overlooked. Often functional nerve lesions develop after neurotropic diseases like herpes zoster or as a result of posture imbalances. More frequently they derive form mechanical forces and energies, friction, pressure (compression) or traction forces (stretch) all of which affect the nerves.
To bring about lesions, a trauma does not have to be severe. Often it is a matter of repetitive micro-traumas. For example, a non-physiological movement, a harmless sprain, faulty posture or muscle contractions. Pathological processes can take place inside or outside the nerve. Neural manipulation is performed through precise applied pressure to the nerve tissue itself, the cranium and dura attachments. This can change the the pressure inside or around the nerve to improve function of the nervous system.
What conditions does Neural Manipulation address?
- Lower back pain and Sciatica
- Headaches and Migraines
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Joint pain
- Post-operative scar tissue pain
- Thoracic Outlet syndrome
- Whiplash injuries
- Neuralgia and neuritis
- Tendinitis
- Sprains and traumatic lesions
- Concussion and Traumatic Brain injuries
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy is a profession dedicated to assessment and treatment to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living and work skills of people with a physical, mental or cognitive disorder. Occupational therapy helps to solve problems that interfere with your ability to do things that are important to you. It can also prevent a problem or minimize its effects.
Occupational Therapists are highly trained health care professions who focus much of their work to determine physical, cognitive and psycho-emotional barriers to function.
Steelcity Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre is privileged to have partnered with Enabling Access Inc. to bring Occupational Therapy services to Selkirk, the Interlake and Eastman regions.
Enabling Access Inc., established in 2005, is an injury prevention and rehabilitation company providing the the following Occupational Therapy services:
- Home Accessibility Assessments
- Functional Assessments
- Personal Care Assessments
- Permanent Impairment Assessments
- Functional Capacity Evaluations
- Job Demands Analysis
- Worksite Assessments
- Ergonomic Assessments
- Post-offer Employment Testing (Abilities Testing)
- Customized Manual Material Handling Training
- People Handling Training for Caregivers
Please contact our clinic or your therapist for further information.
Pelvic Floor
What is the pelvic floor?
The pelvic floor is essentially a sling or “hammock” of muscles/connective tissues that run from the pubic bone at the front to the tailbone at the back. This sling gives support to your bladder, bowel/colon and cervix/uterus (if female anatomy).
What is pelvic floor physiotherapy?
Much like a physiotherapist can help with other musculoskeletal issues in the body (shoulder, hip, etc) the pelvic floor is no different. A physiotherapist with pelvic floor training can help address issues related to the pelvic floor.
Pelvic floor Physiotherapy can also address issues related to your pelvic girdle (the bones of your pelvis).
When should I see a Physiotherapist?
If you a suffering from any of the issues listed below you could potentially benefit from pelvic floor rehabilitation:
- Bladder or bowel incontinence/leakage
- Pain with intercourse
- Bladder or bowel urgency
- Overactive bladder
- Pain in the pelvic floor, pelvic girdle, hips or low back
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Diastasis recti
- If you are pregnant or postpartum and dealing with any of the above issues or wanting to be assessed for preventative measures
Frequently Asked Questions:
What does a Pelvic Floor assessment involve?
Your first pelvic floor physiotherapy appointment will involve your therapist completing a detailed subjective history and then a physical assessment will be completed.
The gold standard for assessing the pelvic floor is a pelvic exam (vaginal and or rectal depending on your symptoms and anatomy). However, if you are not comfortable with a pelvic exam there are other methods for assessment.
Does my insurance provider cover services for pelvic floor physiotherapy?
Pelvic floor physiotherapy services are covered under your regular third party insurance provider plan for Physiotherapy.
Do I need a doctor’s referral to attend for pelvic floor physiotherapy?
No, you do not need a Physician’s referral to attend pelvic floor physiotherapy. However, some insurance providers do require a physician’s referral to approve the cost of treatment/physiotherapy insurance claim. We suggest you call your insurance provider to find out this information as all insurance plans as well as providers vary.
Physiotherapists are a University trained profession. We receive a very broad medical education with a focus on conditions which impair physical function.
Physiotherapists are involved in various aspects of rehabilitation including orthopaedics, neurological and cardio-respiratory conditions.
We at Steelcity can address a number of these areas but do specialize in orthopaedics. Common conditions treated are:
- Acute Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Sport injuries
- Work-Place Injuries
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Low back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Arthritis
- Chronic Pain
- Headaches
- TMJ Dysfunction
We utilize various treatment techniques to individually address each person’s needs. These include:
- Joint Mobilization/Manipulation
- Soft tissue massage
- Therapeutic Modalities
- Exercise Prescription
- Education
- Brace/Splint prescription
- Advice on Mobility aids
Semi Private Training
This is a service we have identified as crucial to providing a well-rounded approach to wellness. We all know exercise is beneficial to reduce numerous health risks, for weight control and to improve psychological well-being. Many are unsure how to get started with an exercise program that is safe, functional and produces results. Others require the guidance, monitoring and motivation of a trainer.
Our personal trainer’s goal is to help you feel better mentally and physically through an individualized program that meets your needs. Semi-private training is for everyone regardless of current fitness level. Whether your goal is fat loss, to reduce health risks, mobility or athletic goals, our semi-private training is designed to meet your needs using expertise that will produce results. Our trainer will meet with you to discuss your history, goals and help to formulate a plan that will best meet your needs. Sessions will be developed and supervised by one of our personal trainers. Learning to exercise most effectively and efficiently, in a way that’s right for you, will help you to make long term changes that reach your goals. We’re here to support, guide and motivate you to your next level of fitness!
Strength and Conditioning
Are you an athlete that is looking to take your game to the next level? Strength and conditioning is a vital building block to creating functional strength, moving better and faster, minimizing muscle imbalances from sport that lead to injury, and ultimately improving as an athlete. Our trainer has experience working with athletes from a range of sports and levels and will provide programming that is not only sport-specific but takes into consideration your personal goals.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular Rehabilitation is a specialized area of physiotherapy practice that focuses on the assessment and treatment of patients experiencing vestibular disorders that can produce symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, problems with balance, posture, and vision. The primary goal of the initial Vestibular Rehabilitation Assessment is to identify which system is causing the patient’s symptoms. This can include problems with the visual system, vestibular system, the somatosensory system, central sensory integration, as well as numerous other causes. Once diagnosed, some conditions can be resolved in as little as one session, while other more complex conditions may require ongoing care. Treatment of the vestibular patient can include otolith repositioning maneuvers, home exercise prescription, or referral to other health care providers for management of conditions outside the scope of the physiotherapy practice. The goal of Vestibular Rehabilitation treatment is to manage symptoms, improve function, decrease symptoms that occur during activities of daily living, and decrease risk of falls/injury.
When a Vestibular Rehabilitation Assessment is booked, we typically ask that the patient is driven to the clinic by an accompaniment as there is the possibility that symptoms could prevent the patient from driving safely.
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation was developed by world renowned French Osteopath and Physical Therapist, Jean-Pierre Barral.
Barral’s clinical work with the viscera led to his development of a form of manual therapy that focuses on the internal organs, the environment and their potential influence on many structural and physiological dysfunctions. An integrative approach to evaluation and treatment of a patient requires assessment of the structural relationships between viscera, and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the musculoskeletal system. Strains in the connective tissue of the viscera/organs can result from surgical scars, adhesions, illness, posture or injury. Tension patterns form through the fascial network deep within the body, creating a cascade of effects far from their sources for which the body will have to compensate. This creates fixed, abnormal points of tension that the body must move around, and this chronic irritation gives way to functional and structural problems. Imagine an adhesion around the lungs. It would create a modified axis that demands abnormal accommodations from nearby body structures. For example, the adhesion could alter the rib motion, which could create imbalanced forces on the vertebral column, and with time, possibly develop a dysfunctional relationship with other surrounding structures.
Visceral Manipulation is based on the specific placement of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera and their connective tissue. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and the structural integrity of the entire body. Mobility of the musculo-skeletal system can also be improved as the organs are attached and suspended from the system via fascia or ligaments; and releasing these attachments can free up restrictions in the musculo-skeletal structures.
Conditions the Visceral Manipulation address:
- Whiplash
- Seatbelt injuries
- Concussion
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Chronic spinal dysfunction
- Headaches and migraines
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Peripheral joint pain
- Sciatica
- Neck pain
- Pain related to post-operative scar tissue
- Pain related to post infection scar tissue
Work and Functional Conditioning
Work Conditioning
Also referred to as work hardening, work conditioning is an intensive, work-related, goal oriented conditioning/rehabilitation program used to restore an individual’s functional capacities to return, maintain, or upgrade their ability to work. This would be achieved through restoration of the individual’s systemic, neurological-muskuloskeletal functions (strength, endurance, movement, flexibility and motor control) and cardiopulmonary functions.
The program may have a job goal but may not necessarily be to return to their previous employment position.
Functional Conditioning
This is a conditioning based rehabilitation program designed for the purpose of restoring physical function for the demands of daily living.
These programs utilize physical conditioning and functional activities related to Activities of Daily Living (ADL).
Steelcity Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre offers work and functional conditioning programs led by a team with advanced training in these programs.